Monday, October 1, 2012

Why teach?
Why do people CHOOSE to teach? The reasons that I have researched & found vary a lot more than I thought they would.
  • Teachers influence the lives of children. Educators have the power to change a child's outlook on school and actively engage them in the learning process. Making an impact is a common reason that people choose teaching as their profession. Having a positive influence on just one child can lead them to carry that impact into other areas of their life. Teachers have the power to change the way classrooms and classes are conducted (i.e. reducing inequality in classrooms). They innovate and create new ways of conveying information, designing curriculum, and leading a classroom.
  • Teachers are leaders. Each day they are able to maintain order and routine in their classrooms. This takes patience, understanding, and strong leadership abilities. Teachers are in an important position of leadership and are responsible for the well being of many children. Other than being leaders themselves, teachers have a hand in creating the teachers and leaders of tomorrow. Teachers inspire others to take on leadership positions. They prepare children with the skills to be leaders in the future.
  • Teaching is a career. Years ago, adults graduated high school or college and entered into the work force. The job they took at such a young age was typically theirs until retirement. Today, this is much less common. People are remaining enrolled in college for much longer and jobs are less stable. Teaching is one of the few professions that one can enter into that is relatively stable. Most teachers stay with their job until retirement because they love it!
These reasons for teaching compliment my reasons for wanting to be a teacher. I have always known that the job I would do must be a position of leadership, positively influence others, and be a stable career. Teaching is a good fit for me because it will fill every aspect I need to love my job!

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