Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inclusion: What are the pros and cons? Is it worth it?



  • Inclusion is much less expensive than segregation.
  • Special needs children learn how to better interact & function with others.
  • Children without special needs learn to better accept diversity & individual differences between people.
  • Inclusion provides individual attention to students with special needs.


  • The education of non-special needs children may be effected.
  • Additional training for teachers can be expensive.
  • Inclusion is not always a guaranteed success. Special education students may prefer the segregated class room method.
Information Provided by: Pros and Cons of Special Education

My Opinion:

I think that inclusion is necessary for special needs students. These children need to learn how to function in a setting that includes people of all abilities, disabilities, exceptionalities etc. Being in a segrigated classroom limits these students by minimizing their social and intellectual abilities. It is best that they receive the same education as non-special needs children (with extra help and guidence).The cost that comes with training teachers to deal with inclusion is unfortunate but necessary. Teachers must be trained how to understand, to work with, and to teach students with special needs.

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