Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Michelle Obama's "Healthy Schools" initiative

Schools are where children spend the majority of their day. Parents can strive to provide their children with healthy foods, however, if the child's school serves unhealthy food, this hard work is all undone. Michelle Obama's initiative "Let's Move" is attempting to over-turn the school lunch system as it once was. Her initiative will introduce healthier options and exclude high sodium, high fat, and empty calorie foods. It is her belief that if a child receives proper nutrition, he/she will be more focused on his/her academics thus resulting in a more productive generation of young people. The HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC) aims to set strict standards for American Public Schools to follow in order to ensure a healthier school lunch. Physical activity is also very important for Obama's plan. Michelle Obama aims to add more physical activity to the school day in order to promote an active and healthy lifestyle. I agree with Michelle Obama's initiative and think that schools should be required to promote healthy living.

Opponents of Michelle Obama's plan think that it is wrong to force children into eating certain things if they do not like them. They are also concerned that if the children do not like the lunch, they will not eat it. If this happens, the child will be hungry for the rest of the day. Hunger does not lead to productive learning in the classroom.

I think that it is important to give students healthy food at school. Even if they are not required to eat that way at home, they should be required to eat that way at school. Students should be required to stay active during the day. A healthy mind and body definitely feed into eachother. A good balance of proper nutrition and exercise can lead students to better academic achievement.

Let's Move!- Healthy Schools

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