Sunday, December 2, 2012


I think of education as if it is a puzzle. When tackling a puzzle, you can only put the edge places into position at first because they are the basis of the entire thing. After finding the edges and framing the entire puzzle, you may begin the slow process of sifting through and choosing other pieces that may fit into the middle of the puzzle. This process takes a long time and can even be tedious for some people. Along the way, pieces of the puzzle may be lost or damaged. Education can be thought of in a similar way. In order to learn, children must be provided with a strong foundation of information. Using their prior knowledge, students can start to fill in and build upon their knowledge. The process of gaining knowledge is lifelong and for some, may be tedious. If you do not take the time to carefully absorb information, it can be lost or damaged over time.
I have enjoyed my time in this class and the material that we have gone over has reinforced my decission to attend graduate school for Elementary Education in the Fall of 2013!

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