Tuesday, November 6, 2012


If elected, Mitt Romney has big plans in store for education reform.

  • Promoting choice and innovation- This point that Romney makes includes allowing special needs and low income students to have the choice to decide which school to attend. This point would ensure that the needs of those students will be met. Incentives will be offered for states that help increase these oppertunities for students.
  • Provide more information to parents- the states will be held responsible for the overall results on students' report cards. Parents will be able to access this information in an easier, more public way.
  • Higher education- Mitt Romney aims to strengthen and improve the financial aid system.
  • My opinion- It seems like Romney really cares about reforming education and making the education system better and more effective for students. As a college student,  I can attest to feeling overwhelmed by the debt that I face upon graduation. I think that any oppertunity to lower debt and increase financial aid is good if completed in a successful way. Romney's business-man mentality may be just what the education system needs to budget and decide where funds would be best spent.

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